Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jane's Chicken

What a beautiful day we're having. It is so warm outside, I was able to roll my windows down while I was driving to the gas station during my lunch break. I love it! Warm weather is my favorite, although I must admit, I do love scarves and boots, but for some reason, I just love flip flops way more. (Notice I said warm and not hot - oh, the humidity in the south during the summer time...)

This past weekend, I was determined to make something delicious and share it on my blog. I took some pictures (two - I'm still getting used to this.) I promise that I'll be better in the future!

Jane's Chicken (Sidenote: I have no idea why it's called Jane's Chicken.)

What you'll need:
cream of mushroom soup
cream of chicken soup
sour cream
poppy seeds
saltine crackers

boil chicken
preheat oven to 350 degrees F

After boiling chicken, cut into small, bite sized cubes. In a bowl, mix the cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soup, along with sour cream. Add chicken and mix all of it together. Then, pour the chicken with the soups and sour cream into a baking pan. Bake in the oven until the sides begin to bubble (around 30-40 minutes). While the dish is baking, crush the saltine crackers. (After the dish is done baking, you'll pour the crushed crackers over the dish to create a layer of crackers.) Melt some butter, mix in some poppy seeds, and pour over the dish once you've added the crackers to the top. Bake for 5 more minutes. Then, it's done!

You may be wondering how much you should use of everything. To tell you the truth, I have no idea! I used 4-5 chicken breasts, 1 can of the cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soup, half of the sour cream in a medium sized tub, half a stick of butter, probably 2 tsp of poppy seeds, and enough crackers to cover the top of the pan. This will serve around 4 people. Also, when I made it this weekend, I didn't bake it. I cooked everything on the stove top, but you're actually supposed to bake it (it's a lot better baked.) I just didn't want to wait 30 minutes for dinner! Ha!

1 comment:

  1. It's almost 10 pm and I want to go make this right now. Thanks for the yummy looking recipe! I will try this soon! Potluck sunday maybe!- Jen Blake
